Wednesday, June 1, 2011


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27). This is the same peace the Bible describes as passing all understanding. (Phil. 4:7)

I’ve been struggling in this area lately. I have been wearing my feelings on my shoulders for the past few days. I have been picking certain issues up each morning and putting them on just like I would put a shirt on.

The other day I allowed an issue to just penetrate my heart. Nothing huge, just enough to eat at my heart the more I dwelled on it. I tried talking to myself, telling myself I was being silly and self absorbed. Then I tried to work it off. Get busy and stop thinking…
Well, I’m sure you know what happened as soon as I sat down for a minute after working? Yeap… There it was – taunting me – You know they don’t love you. You know deep down that they don’t want you in their lives, etc. etc. etc.

Finally………….. After trying with all that is within me to get my mind off of the issue at hand I decided to open the word of God. Immediately he began to speak to my heart and I read his ways. Love is patient and kind… Love bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. That we may suffer light afflictions and even great afllictions BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God is where our peace comes from. I don’t have to allow my heart to be troubled. I can share my burdens with the Lord and leave them there. Knowing and trusting that he is working behind the scenes AT ALL TIMES. That I can have faith that things UNSEEN are being worked on. That he is always, always, always tugging at the lost and their hearts drawing them to him. It will only be through Christ that others will love the way that he desires us to love one another and he is the only one that can penetrate harden hearts and cause forgiveness.

Trusting today that God loves the lost more than I will ever love them. Even when its family. Praying this day to allow Christ to shine through me and cause me to love others NO MATTER WHAT and to never be irritable or resentful~

In Christ,


1 comment:

  1. Sister, what a great post . . . we all need to be reminded to find our peace in God. If we remain focused upon Him, nothing can shake our faith. In the midst of your turmoil . . . He's growing your faith . . . He's making you more like Him. ;)
