Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thankful Thursday!

Today I am thankful for Christ... Thankful that we are now under a new covenant.
Thankful that he sent "another Counselor".... John 16:7 He goes so far as to say it is to our advantage that He leave so the Counselor can come.

How great is it that we have a "personal relationship" with Christ.
We don't have to go through the Priest because he is the only one hearing from God directly.

Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and desires to fellowship with "ME" with "YOU".........

My heart is thankful for this fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Resting in the Lord today,


  1. Thanks for sharing. Rest in the Lord today Holly. We need to rest from all our labor, amen. I always look forward to reading your post. God bless you! Have a good weekend my online friend.

  2. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron
