Friday, April 23, 2010


This past month I have tried to meditate on who God is in our heart? What place does he TRULY hold? Is he in control of all things? Actually, not even IS HE - But do I live my life as if HE IS IN TOTAL CONTROL? I fail at this more than I like to admit.

Today I would like to place him back on the throne of my life. HE IS IN CONTROL OF ALL THINGS and I desire to live in such a way that I trust that with all of my heart. To stop running around trying to fix all the things that are wrong, or disappointing. Stop blaming others for the same sin that I myself might be struggling with and to just LOVE THEM - in spite of the sin. Love them the way Christ loves me and forgives ME...........

All to often we REACT in a way that pleases the enemy more so than pleasing God.
Satan is thrilled when we react toward other Christians in anger or withdraw from them instead of run to them with a loving and caring nature that reflects CHRIST IN US!

Today - regardless of the storms in this life. I want to praise God for the rainbow that is just around the corner. The promise that he is always covering us under his loving protection and guidance. IF ONLY WE WILL REACH OUT AND PLACE ALL OF OUR CARES AND BURDENS UPON HIM............ He will grant our soul that peace that surpasses ALL OF OUR NATURAL UNDERSTANDING!

Praying this day that I to can have a heart of Christ toward ALL people. Recognizing that I have been forgiven of MUCH - and must do the same for those that I love.

Thanking the Lord today for his gentle reminder that he is always in control of our storm,

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Ephesians 5:20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today I am thankful for his mercy and grace. Which is always sufficient. So many times we are focused on "self" and can get side tracked easily. Focusing on what we desire and what we feel we may deserve. When in fact we should be focused on what Christ desires. Its only then that we can be truly blessed with that "abundant life".

I am learning the hard way to realize we aren't called to become a christian just to have all of our desires met. We are called to suffer with Christ. To pick up our cross daily. That is a picture that I don't always keep at the forefront of my mind or heart for that matter.

Today I'm thankful for his gentle reminder once again that its not about me. Its ALL ABOUT HIM. I can only be used by Christ in this life as long as he is the center of my life. Then and only then can he use me to touch others.

Thanking him this day for his amazing sacrifice and for always remaining steadfast and never changing. That person in whom we can put our entire trust and confidence in.

Loving the fact that I'm his servant,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

God's Peace

I recently went on vacation to Mexico and took this photo of the sunset. My purpose for the trip was just to soak in the Lord's beauty - rest - relax. The photo gives me such a sense of PEACE. Isn't that what the Holy Spirit brings to our lives.

Even during the storms of life. Even when the sea is tossing and turning. We can reach out to our precious Savior for him to take control of our situation and trust that while we are in his arms we are safe and secure.

Just as it says in Isaiah 26:3 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you!

Today I am so very thankful for his presence in my life and even when I get off track or sideways in my walk. Its not that he has left me. I know that he is always ever present in my time of need.

Thanking him for his love today and repenting of the moments in my life when I try and walk through life on my own and not looking to him for guidance.

In Christ,