The above photo of my little "precious people" just makes me think of HAPPY..... PEACE....... JOY.................
Its good to remind ourselves that in God we can find that same joy. He is always ever ready to come and rescue us from ourselves - our emotions - our circumstances.
He never moves. NEVER.
What peace in knowing I can run to him and offer my burdens up to him and he is more than willing to carry them for me. I don't have to drag them around like a suitcase. I can just lay them at his feet.
Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, Matt. 11: 28-29.
Praying this scripture today and a very dear member of my family. Praying that the Holy Spirit fill his heart and bring much needed rest and peace.
Thank you Lord for you mercy and grace and loving us with a never ending love.