Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blessings In This Life

Isn't it wonderful when you have those seasons in your life when you truly can see the blessings of God all over you?

So many of us have been in valleys where we KNEW THE TRUTH OF THE WORD but just didn't feel that truth in our emotions. We knew that God loved us, was caring for us, watching over our current situation but we just couldn't FEEL HIM. I am learning that it doesn't matter what I'm feeling. No matter what.... His word will always speak truth to my heart. No matter how I feel - the truth is that God loves each and every one of us and it doesn't matter that we fall short and mess up. We can always consciously tuck his whisper of absolute love into the deepest part of our hearts.

Psalm 86:11 asks the Lord to "teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart."

That is my prayer and it is my desire to ask this daily as I bow before our Holy God and ask him to control my life. Remove my flesh from the throne and govern my life in the way he sees fit.

I have been blessed by God in so very very many ways. He has blessed me with loving children that respect me even when I am not certain I earned that respect in the past. Amazing Grandchildren that light my world a blaze. Even as I write this blog I have a new grandbaby being formed in my Daughter-In-Laws womb. Such an amazing gift of God.

I do still seek and pray for the salvation of my little family and the many many dear friends I have met in this life....but as I meditate on the amazing grace of our HOLY HEAVENLY FATHER I must pause and thank him for loving me enough to sacrifice his Son for the sin in my life that he knew even before I was formed.

Blessings to all,

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Its been a while since I have written any words down. My heart was definitely resting in the Lord since my visit to my ex fiance........ I had such faith in God that he would restore our relationship. It did not happen at all the way I HOPED in my heart.

I know that I know that my God did not let me down. I haven't been upset at God whatsoever. I have been trying to focus on the fact that whatever happens in my life - Good or Bad - that he is in complete control... He is sovereign and all knowing and will use it for my good and his kingdom purpose.

I am praying that he bless my former partner. If I was not the right help mate for him that God bring him an amazing woman of God. THIS IS THE KICKER! I finally know who I am..... I could not have prayed in that way before this year. Does my heart still heart... OF COURSE.... But I know that I am the Daughter of the most high. That I desire his ways above my own way. Do I still miss him...........OF COURSE..... The truth of the matter is.... GOD HAS AN AMAZING PLAN FOR ALL OF US.... So I'm trying to focus on just enjoying the journey and looking at life as a new adventure and seeking to SEE AND HEAR God's voice above my own!

So many woman have touched my life on this journey as we all walk by FAITH and not by SITE..... I discovered the world of blogging and was so very blessed by others who encourage you to keep on keeping on and digging truths out of the word of God.

I AM SO VERY THANKFUL TO YOU ALL! Good to be back and writting again and I pray he just keeps on flaming that fire within my soul and your soul as well.
EPHESIAN 1:11 I him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined, according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will. AMEN~

God Bless ladies! Many hugs from this heart of mine.
